Friday, April 20, 2012

Matira Beach – Explore The Charming Wonder Of Bora Bora

When it comes to taking a break from the hectic work schedule, planning a trip to a cool and calm beach is the first thing that strikes the human mind. There are innumerable beautiful beaches spread evenly all around the globe and each one of them has its own charm. Matira Beach is one such popular beach holiday destination among the people from all around the globe. The Matira Beach has a mile long sandy shoreline and is located at the southern edge of Bora Bora Islands. This amazing beach has a spectacular backdrop with lush palm trees and green mountains. To each side of this beach, there are elongated strips of some private beaches. The beach is beautifully lined with some quite amazing hotels and resorts that provide easy accommodation to the travelers.

Matira beach is often described as one of the most beautiful and sexiest beaches on the main island. It is the only public beach in this region and is best location for a perfect beachbreak. This expanse of white sand has a lot to offer to the people coming from all walks of life and belonging to different age groups. Safe swimming, snorkeling and relaxing in the cool shade of palm trees is the best this beach can provide to the beach breakers. Here are some main elements that attract loads of backpackers to this beach.

1. Shallow Lagoon
The white sand slowly slopes into a beautiful lagoon, with flat, sandy and coral free base, and warm and low water. It is a perfect place for the children to play and swim.

2. Snorkeling
There are two amazing spots for straight snorkeling at the beach. First location is to the north of the hotel Bora Bora, which possesses some magnificent coral heads. You can snorkel in this region and experience the beauty of an array is fishes. The second venture is located around the eastern region of the beach. You can swim to the northern point of the barrier reef and explore the coral gardens in your way. You can see a large number of colorful fishes in this region.

3. View of The Mt. Otemanu
You can enjoy the magnificent view of the Mt. Otemanu while walking along the trail that starts from the eastern point of Matira Beach and reaches up to the strategic venue of the coastal defense guns. You can have a marvelous view across the lagoon to the Motu Toopua and The Mount Otemanu.

So, this was some comprehensive information for the vacationers planning a perfect beach break at the Matira Beach.

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